The Utah Art Education Association
UAEA advocates for and increases the quality of visual arts education through professional development, collaboration, and leadership opportunities.
Check out what’s coming up next:
Spring Conference:
Save the Date
Our 2025 Spring Conference will be held at Timpanogos High School in Orem, UT on February 6-8. Registration begins November 11.
Spring Conference:
Call for Proposals
We have opened the call for proposals for our upcoming Spring Conference. Art educators who submit their proposals before November 30th will receive an additional stipend if your course is selected. Click on the image above to submit your ideas!
Call for 2025-2026
President Elect
We are looking for our next President-Elect! If you are interested or know someone who is, click on the image above to fill out an application. Deadline to apply is December 20th.
The Utah Art Educators Association is comprised of a board and members who are passionate about teaching the arts.
About UAEA
UAEA hosts a variety of events including our annual Spring and Fall conferences, professional development workshops and opportunities, and so much more.
Engage in Events
Mark you calendar!
You will not want to miss the opportunities provided to enhance your skills and network with other professionals.