Become a Member
To join UAEA and NAEA go to:
NAEA/UAEA Membership Renewal AND Registration $90
Associate Membership for UAEA and NAEA is $90
First Year Professional Membership for UAEA and NAEA is $80
Pre-Service Membership for UAEA and NAEA is $60
Retired (Emeritus) Membership for UAEA and NAEA is $70
Institutional Membership for UAEA and NAEA is $110
UAEA is affiliated with NAEA, if you renew your membership with UAEA it renews your it with NAEA as well. If you renew your membership with NAEA it renews your UAEA membership also.
Why I am a UAEA Member:
Professional Learning
Experience new ideas and learn exciting skills with professional development by attending our regional events, and annual fall and spring conferences. Explore opportunities for college credit, re-licensure points, and lane changes. Keep yourself up to-date with art making & teaching practices.
Be a part of advocacy for the arts on state, regional, and local community levels. Take advantage of representation by your Regional Representative for new opportunities in your area.