Additional Resources

Odds and ends curated by our friends in UAEA

Davis’ Webinars and Links:

 1.     Self-Care for Art Teachers: The Visual Notes Project by Lisa Kay

2.     The Mindful Studio: Artful Approaches for Teachers and Students by Jane Dalton and Kristi Oliver

3.     Making Artists: Choice-Based Art Education by Melissa Purtee and Ian Sands

4.     Working with Contemporary Art by Robb Sandagata and Karl Cole

5.    Contemporary Art in the Elementary Classroom A Panel Discussion by Marie Elcin, Maureen Hergott, Natovian MacLeod, Julia Munar, and Emily Sandagata

6.    Tape Art: Artist Talk with Leah Smith & Michael Townsend

7.    Making Murals: Artist Talk with Alice Mizrachi

8.   Adaptive Art: Deconstructing Disability in the Art Classroom by Bette Naughton

9.   Fashion Fundamentals by Robin VandeZande, Terese Giobbia, Marjorie Wachowiac, and Gretchen Kaine

10.  Therapeutic Approaches in Art Education Webinar by Dr. Lisa Kay